the kind of dance that’s needed with urgency.
Back in the spring of 2014, I walked to the park to find a place to dance. It was the kind of dance that was needed with urgency.
It was the kind of urgency that was felt at the start of spring, when new life is ready to bust out from all angles.
It was the kind of spring that was much needed after a long winter.
And it called for the body to MOVE, to shake off the winter, to welcome in spring, to find release in the midst of a transition.
And so I listened to the call. And I danced.
I recorded the dance and then posted a 15-second clip to Instagram with the caption:
Dance in the park. Much needed. Is it finally spring? Just decided I’m shooting a dance video a day through the rest of May. Please join me! If not every day, I dare you to make at least one video this month to welcome in spring. Tag it #ycda for “you can dance again” and let’s start a revolution.
And so was born “Dance a Day in the Month of May” which continued for the entire month. (you can check out the original compilation video here.)
Here we are 3 years later, and once again, I’m gearing up for this special month of daily dances.
This year I want YOU to join.
I want you to think of something you want to give birth to, or something you want to let go of, or simply think of a question you’ve been pondering…
“What’s my next step?” “What is my intuition trying to tell me?”
And then I invite you to dance into your answers throughout the month of May.
There’s something powerful about committing to a daily dance. (Or almost-daily dance. Let’s not be perfectionist about it, ok?)
This year I’m doing something I’ve never done before -
I’m sending out daily prompts to guide you in the process.
All you have to do is click here and subscribe and you’ll get a daily email from me, starting May 1st, that gives you inspiration and structure within which you can do your daily dance.
Why dance every day? At this point, it’s no secret that dance is transformative. The act of moving your body can lift your mood, get you out of your head, and shift your perspective on life. In a world and political climate where our rights are being threatened, dance can also be a direct reclamation of your power, a statement that your body is yours and you can create what you want with it. Let’s start a dance revolution!
Why May? May signifies the start of spring, a season of renewal, a time where everything feels possible. What better way to honor it than to dance with it! And of course, it’s cool that “May” rhymes with “dance-a-day,” because rhyming is important.
How to join?
Go to to sign up for your daily themed prompts.
The daily emails to you are meant to inspire you and keep you connected to your body and your intentions.
And don’t forget to join me on Instagram so we can follow each other’s daily dances.
I can’t wait to see what you’ll create and discover!
with love and dance through the transition,