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get your creativity in motion with

13 days of dance + writing prompts

For rusty or newbie dancers who want a creative approach to their movement, this course will help awaken your body and your creative spark. You’ll feel your inner dancer leaping by tomorrow morning!




hosted by:

Jess Grippo

dancer / creativity coach / author / writer / founder of Dance Again / multi-passionate soul advocating for creative expression

each of the 13 prompts includes:

  • instructions - both written and on video - for your dance and writing that day

  • music playlist companions on theme with the prompt

  • 15-20 minute long video dance breaks you can move along to

  • space to share and read comments from others doing the prompts

  • endless possibilities for your creative ideas and energy

plus this bonus:

  • You'll get a free digital download of “Dance With This Book,” so you can read stories and motivation along with your daily movement. 

“helped re-kindle something within that was once lost.”

“I loved everything about this book, I loved the journalling and dance prompts, and I loved the confidence that unfolded within me. I love to dance and always have, this book was a great reminder of that love, and it helped re-kindle something within that was once lost.”

- Octavia Dulenty


go at your own pace.

Follow the prompts daily, or go at your own pace! You’ll have access to pace them out as you desire.

No dance experience necessary.

This series is designed to bring out the CREATIVE and EXPRESSIVE sides of dance and writing so that we can move emotions, stress, anxiety, and more through us. No technique or experience is required!


a (longer) note from jess:

Ever feel lonely? I do. 

Ever feel stuck? I do. 

Ever feel like all you want to do is DANCE - if only the world was set up to let us dance more, if only you had more time, if only you didn’t quit ballet when you were 9?

I do. all. the. time. 


the great thing about dance is that it helps us get unstuck, out of the funk, feel more connected. it gives us confidence and freedom and….

Yada yada, you get the point. I don’t have to spell it out because you’re an intelligent human who gets it. And even if your brain forgets it, your body remembers.

Go ahead, ask your body to remember the last time it danced.


[s p a c e   to   r e m e m b e r]


What I’ve heard from so many people is how much they want/wish/wonder what it would be like if they danced more… 


Yet they are scared to go into a classroom because of the fear of looking “bad” or not keeping up or making a fool of themselves. 

Or even if they aren’t scared of THAT part of it, they can’t find the time to set aside. (Because, c’mon, the commute plus the class plus the extra sweaty laundry you’ll accumulate… that's more than a quickie!)


When I first started wanting to dance again (after years of not doing it and telling myself I missed my chance), all those things came up for me. They still come up, actually. Because the fear and the core issues don’t go away, it just becomes easier to move through them and dance anyway.


Ya know what got me back to dance? 


Making dance videos alone in my room. 


That was back in 2010, and while a lot has changed, a lot also hasn't changed. 

What's different now is that I KNOW how powerful this seemingly small act of dancing alone can be. I've seen it change my life over time and impact so many people in the process.  I now know that dancing in your own way will not only free you in the moment, but it is in itself an act of rebellion in a world that so often tries to keep us stuck in our heads and out of our real embodied power. 



so. here’s what i created.


I’m launching this series of dance and writing prompts you can do at home alone in YOUR room, that will give you the permission, the space, and the nudge to start creating and moving again. Right here, right now. In short chunks of time that you don’t need to get a new pair of Lululemons for. (Those ratty old sweats will do just fine. I speak from experience.)

dancing alone with you,

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