hi, i’m jess.
“she’s like WD40 for rusty creatives.”
-- Tim the Tool Man Taylor
“she makes dance shows and helps people do cool projects.”
-- my 5 year old niece Stella
“non lo so che faccia a brook-a-leen.”
Translation: “I don’t know what she does in Brooklyn.”
-- my Nonna
Whether it’s reviving your dance life, your creative spark, or the innovation within your business, my work is here to support you in finding clarity, confidence, and a creative edge.
speaking/performing at Fearless Force for Visionary Women Leaders.
my story:
Over 10 years ago, in the midst of my growing career as a women’s holistic health coach, I started creating dance videos alone in my room (and eventually outside of my room) as a way to revive my dance practice, find my creative voice, and come back to myself during a time when I felt pretty lost and disconnected. (At the time, the thought of stepping foot into a dance classroom was way too intimidating, so I chose to do it on my own instead.)
As I continued to make those videos (let’s call them the OG TikToks ;) and cultivate my personal artistic practice, I saw the need for more spaces where people could feel welcomed and comfortable in a dance setting. One small workshop and class at a time, I started making those spaces. Dance Again was born in NYC, I later wrote Dance With This Book and have led countless workshops, programs, and showcases to support others in reconnecting to their own creative, expressive potential.
At the same time, I had been growing my coaching and copywriting work. What started back in 2014 as “let me help my friend with her new website,” has developed into an agency who has served 85+ entrepreneurs and businesses on their content, marketing strategy, and messaging. I also developed a training for dance facilitators, to support others with the artistic and business skills to turn their passion for dance into a class or business.
My own artistic expression has continued in the forms of shows and videos, which have been featured at TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center’s Dance On Camera Festival, and New York Comedy Club, to name a few.
My training and experience includes:
a B.A. in Gender & Sexuality Studies at NYU, a certificate and practice in Holistic Health Coaching with extensive studies in women's hormonal health via Flo Living, Creativity Coaching training with Eric Maisel, Feminist Copywriting with Kelly Diels, Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Training with Connection Coalition, Decolonize Your Business with Ber-Henda Williams, plus many years of classical ballet training, and other dance/art forms like Jazz, African, Haitian, improv, comedy, and more.
my lineage:
I want to honor and thank the main mentors and teachers who have shaped me and my work over the years:
Alisa Vitti, whose revolutionary approach to women’s hormonal health shaped my personal healing journey as well as setting me off on the career path as a coach.
Joanna Lindenbaum, whose soulful yet practical approach to coaching supported me in starting my own business and creating the foundation to sustain it, as well as a deep dive into ritual and all the witchy stuff that has now become more mainstream but back then was still a whisper in the world.
Kelly Diels, who helped connect the dots in my messaging and deepen the ways in which I work with my clients. She also inspired the addition of this section of my about page ;)
Master Jey Park, whose spiritual guidance and energy work has kept me true to myself and on this path.
(And so many more)