jess grippo

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on my 7 year anniversary...

(vintage photo from back then)

7 years ago today, I held my first creativity workshop, which essentially was the start of my business.

Back then, I’d started out as a women’s holistic health coach (shout out to my first mentor Alisa and, and while I loved the work, I was also recognizing how something else in me was ready to be born.

Although I was terrified, I put a note out to all my contacts, letting them know that I was experimenting with something new and wanted to offer a free workshop for anyone who wanted to amp up their creativity in the new year. 10 people came to that first workshop. I continued to do it monthly, and six months in, I offered my first coaching program and had my first 4 clients.

What’s missing from that story is the fear I had to move through before every email I sent out and every workshop I led; and the joy and freedom that I felt when I got more in alignment with my truth.

there have been multiple evolutions since then, multiple firsts:

  • Leading my first dance-focused workshop and eventually making dance the main focus of my business

  • Self-producing over a dozen showcases for my clients and students in NYC

  • Creating and performing my own dance shows to audiences of a few and of hundreds

  • Doing a TEDx talk

  • Writing a (soon-to-be-self-published) book

I share that not to brag (and believe me, I have not “arrived” at some place where things are perfect - it’s such a process and I’m still fumbling and learning so much and trying to figure out how to make it all work and still have a life and wonder if I’ll disappoint my mother’s dreams of being a grandmother if I don’t have that kind of life soon... and all that jazz) but to point out the fact that 7 years ago I had no idea any of this would happen.

7 years ago, all I knew is that making dance videos were making me happy, and I wanted to bring that creative expression to my work with people in a more direct way.

So I did the thing.

I didn’t spend hours agonizing over a business plan.
I didn’t quit my job in women’s health right away.
I didn’t pay someone to make me a website and logo right away.

(But I DID pay someone to coach me through the transition and help me develop my work.)

I started creating the thing and asking people to come to it.

And then it evolved and I danced along with the evolution (and still am).

so I want to ask you -
what’s the thing YOU will do this year, *|FNAME|*?

If it involves starting your own dance class, company, or movement of some kind, I have a special invitation for you.

I’m getting ready to launch the Dance Again Teacher Training Program, designed to help aspiring dance creators (like you?) launch your own class, program, or company in 12 weeks so you can make dance an active part of your life/career, make income from it (if you desire), and create authentic community - no matter how much experience you have or where you live.

Applications are open now, and I’m speaking to people one-on-one to be sure it’s the right match.

>>Click here for more details!<<

If you’ve been getting these emails for a bit, you’ll know that my style is honest, loving, fierce yet gentle, and all with sense of humor so that we can go deep AND have fun. AND allow things to happen and ground your visions into reality. On this 7 year anniversary, I couldn’t think of a more perfect expression of all the years of my coaching training, business development, dance development, and experience in the field, and I’m super excited to share it with a select group of people this year.

I hope you’ll apply if it speaks to you.

They say every 7 years, all the cells in your body are totally renewed, so tomorrow I’ll be a completely new person from the one who led that first creativity workshop.

[tear rolling down my cheek]

It’s an honor to still be here, to be connected to YOU, and to be taking the next level steps of the next evolution.

thanks for coming along for the dance,


p.s. Especially if you have doubts that creep in - “am I qualified enough to lead dance for others?” “will anyone want to come?” - I especially encourage you to apply. I’ve soooooo been there and I know for a fact that you don’t have to let those doubts stop you.