If you’ve seen my Instagram feed at all this week, you might have caught some of the “anger dances.”
It’s not a coincidence if you’ve been feeling some rage, too.
As my holistic health training reminds me… Here in the northern hemisphere, it’s the start of Spring which, according to ancient Chinese Medicine, is associated with the liver, and with anger. Your liver is ready to detox all the heaviness from the long winter, and emotionally that goes along with releasing anger.
it’s time for action. it’s time for movement. it’s time to express what’s been repressed.
Not many of us are taught healthy ways to deal with anger. It’s often held in or released in abrupt ways that end up hurting someone else.
But we all have anger. Whether its for personal reasons or political reasons or connected to the injustice in our world - it’s in you.
I’m not an expert on anger, as I’m still getting used to my own, but I will say that movement is so helpful.
I spent 2 days raging in my dances and movement. Stomping. Head banging. Yelling. Shaking it out.
And on the 3rd day, one of the songs I was jamming to stuck with me and I ended up creating some choreography. And I felt more at ease having released so much.
I don’t know if I’ll do anything with the choreography, but that’s not the point.
the point is to make something out of the raw material of what's in you.
Don’t TRY to make something. Just feel what’s flowing through you and express it. Let it evolve. Let it alchemize. Let the answers come to you in a way that is not your thinking brain. Let the tough stuff become your vehicle for transformation. Take the lead and make it into gold.
It might not happen right away, as sometimes we need to be IN IT for awhile before anything shifts. But if you keep showing up, something will happen.
rage on,
p.s. Want to make space for your creative process and be guided in turning your tough stuff into art? Join me on April 29th for Immersion.
p.p.s. Want more on anger? Check out my latest broadcast with the incredibly wise and gifted women's coach/astrologer Jenn Racioppi. As we both happened to be talking about anger last week - me through the lens of dance and she through the lens of astrology - it seemed like a timely moment to discuss. Especially if you resist anger, feel your own coming through more, or want to explore ways to express emotions healthily and creatively, tune in here.