be prepared for the thing you’re working on or dreaming up, but also be prepared that it will turn out nothing like what you envision preparing for.
A wise woman once told me: Pretend that you are a jewelry maker and someone requests a customized ring. You work on perfecting this ring to every detail they request and it’s one of your most prized works. At the last minute, the client cancels their order, as they no longer need the ring. Do you throw out the ring because it’s final destination is no longer what you expected? Absolutely not! You sell that shit for big bucks. Maybe Lady Gaga buys it and posts it on her Instagram and boom you’re in demand by all the little monsters wanting that ring, too. Or you save it until you meet the person who you know it’s actually destined for. Possibilities are endless.
That’s life. That’s the creative process.
What can be created through us, how we are meant to serve, is often so much bigger than what our narrow minds can think of based on the limited data they are operating from. Take steps towards crafting that ring, and trust it will lead you where you’re meant to go.
[talking to you, talking to myself. let’s keep doing the day to day creative actions, the real work, and not get caught up in the final limited vision. deal? deal. great.]
and speaking of being prepared...
Are you preparing to create something in the new year?
A blog, a book, a business rebrand? If you are looking for support with copywriting and creative visioning, I may be able to help. After years and years of doing this work on the DL, “creative coaching + copywriting” now has an official spot on my website. Check it out here.
preparing to be surprised,