On the small chance that you didn't take my advice and you actually did open this blog post, Hello.
I'll keep it brief because the main message today is to really get in your body and move - not just talk about it.
A slight epiphany occurred yesterday when I realized I had fallen into the mode of talking about dance a lot and facilitating a lot of dance for others, but it had been a loooooong time since I just simply danced it out for myself.
The art of “dancing it out” is a practice, just like meditating or writing morning pages. You need to experience it on the regular to get the most benefit from it.
I went live on Facebook with an impromptu dance break, and I welcome you to join and watch here if you need some motivation to get moving.
(I anticipate more of those coming soon, so friend me on Facebook if we’re not already friendly there!)
Go dance and I’ll see you next week!
to your movement,