why August is the most important month for your creative sou

We’ve hit upon a very significant month for your creative life. It starts with August 1st, in traditional pagan cultures known as Lammas, or the festival of first fruits. It’s when we start to see the hints of the harvest that is to come in the fall. It’s a last chance reminder to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

  • If what’s popping up in your life now is NOT what you are truly wanting, then now is the time to do some letting go and shifting.

  • If what’s popping up IS what you are wanting, and wanting more of, then now is the time to cultivate THAT stuff.

  • If you’ve been too busy to even reflect on what’s happening and how you’re feeling inside, then it’s DEFINITELY time to slow the F down and make some space - before you busy yourself into burnout and miss out on the glory of one of the most magical months of the year.


August is the ultimate month of transition and creative renewal. While life slows down and the harvest continues to grow, we have the opportunity to take a few steps back and recuperate, get re-inspired, get reacquainted with what really matters. The more you do this, the more powerful and aligned your fall season will be.

So consider this your reminder to make that space for yourself. Come home to yourself. Be with yourself. Dance and write and search your soul and allow the creative muses to dance their way through you.

And if you sense it might be easier said than done to do all that –

(because let’s face it, you’re going to close up this post and move onto the next one really soon)  -

I invite you to keep reading and join me for a special opportunity, available this month only. It’s about committing to the flow, health, and sanity of this one precious creative life you’ve got.

What I’ve learned over the years and continue to practice is that the answers we most desire cannot be accessed at the level of our mind only.

Our BODIES -  the heart, the gut, the intuitive vibrations and inner fires that get stoked – are what truly guide us, if we are willing to listen and are willing to take the ACTION necessary to cultivate this listening.

(i.e. stop thinking about it and start getting bodied, as Beyonce would say.)

A couple of years ago, on the calm end of some of the biggest transitions I’ve gone through in my life and relationships, I created a program that brought together a sequence of body based practices and soul-opening teachings that helped me navigate the changes of life and, in the process, get the clarity and confidence I needed to move forward with my business and creative ideas.

I’m once again returning to these practices and teachings during this transition period of August and there are spaces open for you to join me.

If you’re:

  • in transition with your career, creativity, or life at large

  • wanting to make a transition but are feeling stuck and haven’t quite figured out how to get out of the funk

  • juggling many ideas, interests, and passions and often stop yourself from moving forward because you are not sure what to focus on…

It’s time to dance into your answers – in your body and in your life.

Join me for a unique online experience designed to get you dancing and writing daily, as you discover more clarity, creativity, and alignment.

Get access here: https://www.jessgrippo.com/danceanswers

I’ll be welcoming you in with dance bells on.

love + dance for the journey, Jess