you don’t have to have all the answers in order to take the first step.

In the last 5 years of doing creativity coaching as a profession, I’ve talked to MANY people about what blocks them from creating.

The most common response often sounds something like this:

“The real project I want to make (or the dream role as an artist I want to have) is going to take a lot of resources/courage/time/money and it seems way bigger than what I can handle, so I stop myself from doing anything.”

Not feeling far enough along.

Comparing yourself to what other artists are doing (better, with more reach, and earlier than you, most likely).

Not knowing where to start.

The best news ever is that none of that matters.

If there is something you want to create, you only have to worry about taking the first step.

One step at a friggin time.

Sure, planning and launching a Kickstarter and hiring a team and setting up a goals spreadsheet can all happen at some point, but all that’s a distraction unless you’re actually taking creative steps.

There is no substitute for doing the actual work.

You want to write a book?

Jot down the first chapter during your morning train commute.

You want to leave your job and do something more creative?

Make more time to create small projects NOW.

Does that scare you and do you have a million excuses as to why you can’t?

I’m sure you do. Because the real thing holding you back is mostly likely the fear of just doing it and sharing something you create with the world.

That’s the scary stuff. Because when you do it, you’re actually putting a real, vulnerable part of you out into the world.

I want to invite you to do it anyway.

The sense of fulfillment and what it will open up for you is well worth the uncomfortable feeling of getting started.

It’s like that analogy of driving through fog -

You sometimes can only see a few feet in front of you, but that’s really all you need to get where you’re meant to go.

If that’s enough to motivate you, then go ahead and stop reading this blog post and create something.

(and please share it with me after, because I’d love to see!)

If you feel like you need a boost or a bit of guidance, you’re in luck.

danswersOn December 20th, I’m hosting a live and interactive online group guidance session, called Dance Into Your Answers.

While these specialized group coaching calls are reserved only for active coaching clients, I’m making this one open to the public for the first time ever, for a minimal fee of $20.

During the session you’ll receive:

  • Movement exercises and tools for dancing through the holidays and into the new year in a healthy and aligned way

  • Seasonal guidance for working WITH your body and natural cycles, rather than against them, so that you can move forward into 2017 in a creative and productive way

  • Connection, community and love

  • Time for Q&A and personal coaching directly from me and the group

  • Deep personal takeaways that will light you up on the darkest night of the year

You can choose to be live on video with us to see and be seen, or to call in and just listen if you prefer a more private experience.

[button link="" size="large" color="aqua" window="yes"]Sign up here.[/button]

It would be an honor to take this blog conversation into something live and interactive! Yea!!

dancing into the answers with you,


p.s. I recently was interviewed about my “dance into your answers” concept, something that is very in line with the topic for today’s post.

Check it out if you want to hear a bit more about this philosophy and how my personal creative practice of making little dance videos has expanded into a new career and focus for my life.

I think you’ll LOVE Michael Ian Cedar and The Legacy of You, as well as the fun conversation and dance break we shared! It’s bound to inspire something in you.

legacy of you interview michael ian cedar and jess grippo

how I f**ed up my leg: the story I almost didn’t share

jess on crutchesMany of you have already seen the photo on Instagram or Facebook and by now you know that I’m on crutches. No dancing for a month at least.

The short story is, I landed funny while teaching a dance class on Tuesday night and tore a muscle in my calf, resulting in me not being able to walk for awhile.

The longer story? The story I’m a little hesitant to share?

Well, it starts with my strong feelings about Zumba.

And it’s all teaching me a lot, so I thought the risk of embarrassment or potentially offending some people would be worth the wisdom and avoidance of injuries that could be passed on to you.

Let me explain.

First off, I’ll say that my props go out to Zumba and the tidal wave it’s made in the dance fitness world, the amount of lives that have been changed by it, and the positive impact that all of that has made.

Personally, it’s just not my thing. (If it gets YOU going, however, keep doing it, obviously!)

For me, sixty full minutes of cardio is too much at once. I like to spend more time doing pliés and gently warming up before jumping around. I’d rather get my cardio in with biking or the elliptical, and leave dancing to the art form that it is for me, with whatever physical benefits naturally come along with it.

That being said, every so often I get asked to sub for a Zumba class at the studio where I teach ballet. I’m a last resort when there’s a last minute cancellation and another Zumba teacher can’t be located. I’ve done it a few times, reluctantly, mostly out of fear of the Zumba regulars despising me for not giving them what they were expecting. “We want to cha-cha, damnit!!!” (My subbing-for-a-Zumba-class is composed of my style of a jazzy dance class, adding in a bit more of the jumpy and cardio stuff.)

I got a text on Tuesday morning with the request to sub that evening.

My gut reaction was like, “Nooooooo!”

And my brain was like, “Well, could be a great opportunity to meet some new students and make a few dollars since you’ll be missing your usual class in a couple of weeks. And you’ll be helping someone out!” (My brain/ego loves saving the day, apparently.)

I went with the brain. I said yes. Even though I had a full day and wouldn’t have time to prepare, which stressed me out. Even though I was still getting over being sick. Even though it was a super cold day out and my body was calling me to be cozy that evening.

About halfway into the class, I landed funny and felt a sharp pull in my calf which led to a feeling of a really really intense and painful charley horse. Somehow, I got through teaching the rest of the class with modified movements, and by the time it was over I realized I couldn’t walk without a major limp - my right foot was not able to flex all the way.

I’ll fast forward through the hysterical moments I had lying face down on the studio floor alone.

I’ll praise the amazing people who showed up on the phone and in person to help me move forward.

And I’ll cut to the point of telling you all this:

I’m pretty sure this injury was a sign from the dance gods that it’s probably a good idea to focus on what you’re genuinely called to do. Trying to be something you’re not will only tear you apart. Sometimes in the literal sense.

If I hadn’t said yes to subbing a class that I wasn’t fully into, I wouldn’t have been doing the jumpy moves that my legs were probably too cold to do, and I wouldn’t have torn a muscle.

goddess on the go jess grippoI am coming to terms with the fact that my gift in this world is not to deliver cardio dance classes to the masses.

I am committed to sharing the gifts that I am here to give: i.e. guiding myself and others to dance the dance that is fully authentic and unique to each person. Holding space for people to express themselves and create in their own way. Leading the kind of classes that I had always wanted, and building a community through them.

It’s taken a lot to move past the fears to be able to say that out loud and put my authentic work out there. Cue the voices in my head:

“what if my class is lame, though? what if no one cares? what if they judge me?”

Can you relate?

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’ve had similar thoughts and there’s something you want to put out there, too.

Maybe you’ve secretly been wanting to “out” yourself as the dancer/teacher/healer/performer you know you are.

Maybe you’ve been dancing in a way that isn’t fully you, but you’re doing it anyway because it’s what’s popular or what you’ve always done.

Maybe when you really think about putting yourself out there in the ways you’ve only dreamt of, you get scared, you hold back.

It’s ok. I get scared sometimes, too. We all do.

It’s certainly scary, and it’s certainly worth it.

Because the other choice of holding back your true self - and living a life that is paved by expectations - is really the lame option.

So how do you get to that place of boldly putting your authentic expression out there, in spite of the fears and voices in your head telling you not to?

In my experience, it happens most effectively when you don’t try to do it all by yourself. Guidance is necessary in moving past the fear and getting out of your own way so that you can give birth to the dance/class/blog/story/show you are meant to. And that’s why I do the coaching work I do.

While my leg heals, I making a lot more time in my calendar for creative coaching work. If I can’t dance my physical dance at the moment, you better believe I’m going to be extra passionate about guiding you to dance YOUR dance, literally or figuratively.

I would be thrilled to be the midwife to your creative birthing process, if this is speaking to you.

While my coaching/midwifing specialties are in the areas of dance and writing, I’ve been coaching all kinds of artists and (re)emerging artists for years in their process of unfolding, getting to their truth, and expressing it authentically.

There are options for working together that vary from a self-guided video course you can do at home, to a single powerful session that will get your words on the page, to a whole 6-months of a journey. During our phone session, I’ll guide you through a process on getting clear about what’s really in your way and what the best option would be to creating what you really desire. Expect laughter, tears, and heart-opening moments of truth and clarity.

Click here to book a time for a complimentary Creative Guidance Session so that we can do all that, get to know one another, and see if and how I could best serve you. There are no strings attached and no obligation, other than my desire to have you leaving the call feeling inspired and empowered to take the next steps in your creative process.

My approach is creative, body-centered, and gentle but fierce in making sure that you get the truth that will serve you and your mission most effectively.

Book a time here or simply hit reply and I’ll get back to you asap.

In the meantime, keep dancing how YOU want to.

If you have the desire to put a creative vision out there that could inspire or benefit humanity, there's a reason for it. Don't shut down your impulses - allow them to be channeled through you. You'll be doing us all a favor.

to dancing your dance,



p.s. This offer for a complimentary session is only good until Sunday or until all spots are filled up. Take action now if there's an ounce of something in you that has been sparked by reading this. It only takes a spark to light a full fledged fire. Let's do this!



a dancing response to the U.S. election

No matter where you live or what your political leanings are, I think we can all agree that this election season in the U.S. has been a time of heightened fear, anxiety, stress, and for many of us, deep sadness and shock. In my opinion, we need dance, creativity, and authentic self-expression more so now than ever before - to heal ourselves and to heal the world.

There was some hesitancy on my part before sharing this with you, since I don't normally talk about politics on Creative Fridays and I know our news feeds are FULL of all of it lately. Please know that what I'm about to share is about way more than being for or against who is president - it's about our responsibility as individuals to make this world a better place by starting from within and being true to ourselves.

Here's what I know:

I don't want to be part of the hatred. I don't want to be part of the violence.

I want to take responsibility for my emotions and feel them, process them, in healthy ways (i.e. not directed towards anyone, but just simply expressed and released.) I want to feel the pain so that it can be transformed.

I will take ACTION towards the values I believe in. I refuse to be a victim.

There is a much bigger calling in the world right now, and it's going to require us ALL to choose love over fear and direct our passions towards meaningful causes that will uplift the world.

Artists, the world needs us.

Do what you need to do: mourn, cry, scream, and release the rage that is burning inside you. (Or celebrate if that's your thing.) And then go create something new with it. Create and bring people together with your creations. Remind your children that the world is their canvas and that their dreams matter. Remind yourself that.

In Hillary's powerful words: "Our campaign was never about one person or even one election. It was about the country we love and about building an America that is hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted."

And now we have some dancing to do.

If you resonate with what I'm sharing and feel called to dance with me as you work through this time, I'll be hosting a live dance break in my You Can Dance Again facebook group  11/11, starting at 11:11am EST.


There will be dance facilitation and discussion, guided by the theme of my Pop Goddess dance program this week: channeling the goddess Kali and the depth and divinity we can access in ourselves through dancing. It's about breaking shit down before we can rebuild and create again.

Pop-goddess musical appearances by Beyonce, Adele, Andra Day, Banks, and many more moving artists to help us process the tough stuff and rise up once again.

Click here to join us.

I'll also be leading in-person versions of this in NY & LA - stay tuned for details via email.
While I normally only teach this topic as part of the 4-week program, I was called to create this bonus free version for the public in light of recent happenings here in the US. Feeling called to unite us together through dance more than ever.Hope to see you there.

Dancing into the answers with you, Jess

3 ways to empower your independence & self-worth

ycda-week-1 In yesterday’s first Pop Goddess class, we focused on the themes of Independence and Self-Worth.

Through the lens of the goddess Artemis, the musical artist P!nk along with other pop-music, and of course, dance, we asked ourselves:

Where do I need to strengthen my boundaries and make clearer choices?

Am I not fully valuing myself? How does that show up?

How am I letting outside forces pull me away from what I truly want to focus on?

Why bother to ask yourself these questions?

If you want to create more or dance more,

If you want to evolve your artistic or spiritual growth,

If you want to feel empowered in your life...

You’ve got to take a stand for yourself.

You’ve got to make the time for it.

You’ve got to trust in your own worthiness and in life’s ability to provide for you.

Contrary to being “selfish,” it will only make you a more fulfilled, energized person, which will certainly rub off on those near and dear to you.

This is not a new concept - I’m sure you’ve heard it before - but I still think it’s important to remind ourselves of - a lot.

Since I only teach and write about things that I’m actually doing or have done, here’s a little peek into what this looks like for me.

(Sometimes hearing other people can inspire what we need to do ourselves, so listen through the lens of what it sparks up for YOU.)

A few things I’m doing differently this month

  1. Saying No More. Or, if I’m not a full Yes right away, I’m letting the other person know I need some time before giving an answer. The idea with saying No more is to make more space in my life by not overcommitting, or to not just say Yes to fulfill the “being needed” thing. Saying No to some things means getting to say a full-bodied YES to other really awesome things.

  2. Asking For and Receiving Support. In particular in my business and in some aspects of my personal life, I’m seeking out the right kind of support so that it doesn’t feel like a lone battle. Ironically, the more support I get, the more Independent I feel. Why? Because support in the areas of my life that I’m not good at or that take up too much time to handle myself, actually frees me up to do MORE of my own thing, MORE of the things I’m actually really brilliant at and the things that fulfill me and help others at the same time. #ahamoment

  3. Hanging Out with My Self. The points above are helping me to carve out more time for (cliché alert) me. Whether it’s journaling, meditating, or lying down staring at the ceiling, it’s been so refreshing to reconnect myself and my intuition. The culture of “busy” can make this hard, which is why it’s so important to set up strong boundaries.

So that’s me. What about you? Has this inspired you to set new boundaries for yourself this month?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

And if you sense YOU could use some support in these areas, contact me today and let’s explore what working together would look like.

to your strength, independence, and self-worth,


why dance? (a poem)

Why dance?

The world is in disarray

My bills are tough to pay

Why dance?

I’m trying to get through the day

But really don’t feel OK

Why dance?


Why dance?


Why dance?


Why dance?

When there’s something I need to say

When there’s a prayer I need to pray

When the sky and mood are gray

When it seems like there’s no other way


Dance through it all because, hey,

Your body can say Yay

It’s not just kids who need to play

You, too, can slay like Bey’.

No matter what, you have the power to say:

I can dance.

That’s why.

- Jess Grippo 10/27/16


I know it can be easier said than danced sometimes…

...the reality is that life can be hard on us.

That’s why I designed my upcoming “4-weeks to free your inner dancer” program, full of support and guidance to dance through the tough stuff and into your power and freedom.

Structure and community are SO important when you want to empower yourself in any way - especially when it involves physical movement.

Through the guidance of powerful goddess archetypes and the pop-music and pop-stars that channel their energy, we are going to dance into the freest, most powerful versions of ourselves.

Resist the urge to isolate yourself or believe the “woe is me” voice in your head that just doesn’t feel like you can do it. You can.

You can dance. Again and again.

Click here to access the free intro class now:

See you there,




dance is not a luxury. here's why.

Throwback to June of 2011, a bit over 5 years ago. I was living in my parent’s basement temporarily after having to leave my Brooklyn apartment quite suddenly. It was 6 months after my dad’s stroke, 2 months into a new romantic relationship, and I was making dance videos like crazy.




Because those precious moments I had alone in the basement for a few minutes were the only times when I felt I had the space to express myself. There often aren’t words to describe the feelings of big life transitions, and so that’s why dance is there.


I didn’t have (or make) time to take dance classes. I didn’t want to.

I wasn’t interested in learning choreography or auditioning for a show.

I basically didn’t care to do any of the things I previously did in my past dance life.


But I DID want to say something that words couldn’t express.

I DID want to move my body and channel some of the tough emotions.

I DID want a break from the stress and pain of things that were happening in my life.


So I danced it out, in my own way, to music that moved me, and I made a video of it. (multiple times. still doing it.)


This is not a dance-making act of luxury. This is a dance-making act of necessity. This is dance-making like my life depended on it. Because it did.


Who are we without the acts that move our souls?

Who are we without exercising our human ability to create?

Who are we without dance?


I’d argue to say we’d be prettttty  boring and dead inside without any of those things.


Not the kind of life I want to live.


How bout you?


If dance is part of YOUR soul, don’t ignore the calling.


Go dance in your basement or bedroom or boardroom and unleash the spirit inside of you.


I know it’s sometimes easier said than done, so I am here to help. In fact, outside of dancing myself, helping other people to revive dance in their lives is my favorite thing in the world. And I’m really good at it.

 The reason why it's my favorite thing is because I see what happens beyond the dance itself.

When women reclaim their dancer identity IN THEIR OWN WAY - in a way that empowers them, frees them, and unleashes parts of themselves that have been hidden or squelched - they take different actions in their LIFE.

They no longer keep their mouth shut when they really want to speak up. They walk into a room with confidence and knowing their self-worth. They feel a deep sense of belonging and connection to a tribe who understands them, which becomes a foundation for launching their dreams.

Again, this is not a luxury. It is a necessity if we want to create a world where women have the power to change it for the better.

So let’s dance, shall we?

I’m gifting the first 5 people who comment below with a free ticket to one of my Pop Goddess Dance intro classes on Monday 10/17 or 10/24 in NYC.

(There's also an online intro if you can't make it live!)


And if you’re not in NYC or Pop-Goddess isn’t your thing, there are other ways I can support your dancing process, so just contact me now with a little bit about your dance story and where you’re feeling stuck and I’ll get back to you asap.


to freeing our dancing souls, Jess
