why do we resist the creative practices that are best for us?

Why do we resist the creative practices that are best for us?

Like: 10 minutes of meditation in the morning, the dance break in the middle of a work day, scribbling a few lingering thoughts in a notebook before sleep…

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel palpably opposed to doing them, even when I know it would be best for me.

Laying in bed with restless thoughts I keep getting that nudge to write it out, but instead I ignore it and try to breathe deep and hope to fall asleep. An hour or two later, still tossing and turning, I finally succumb and put the pen to the page and immediately feel relief. 10 minutes later I’m calmed and ready to drift off to la la land.

I’ve heard this from many clients, too.

We’ve all read The Artist’s Way.

We all know it’s helpful to meditate or write every day.

We all have the idea in mind of what we should do...

But still we don’t always do it.

My theory is this:

It’s easier for our brains to suffer than to let go of control.

The brain loves a challenge. The brain loves struggle. The brain loves to *think* about what’s blocking you from creating. The brain wants to “figure it out.” The brain is comforted in that state.

Letting go and getting into a flow state with our creativity…. That’s something that can’t be controlled by our brains. It requires our bodies and our souls to take the forefront.

The letting go that happens when you finally just free write, or free dance, or meditate, or work out, or have an orgasm… that’s threatening for the brain who wants to keep things in check and stay attached to the struggle.

So then what?

Well, first thing’s first, it’s ok to have dry spells. I actually think it’s healthy.

When you’re away from your creative practices, you remember how important they are. And you are that much more energized when you restart them. (You can always restart them!)

Plus, the downtime - or even the disconnected time, if that’s what it feels like to you - gives us an opportunity to gather new life experiences, i.e. new material for the creative well.

Second thing’s second, you can trick your brain.

The best way I know how is to create shortcuts and elements of habit in your daily schedule.

For example, I keep a notebook a few pens by my bedside at all times, so that I don’t have to ever get out of bed to find a pen. I keep the pen inside the notebook where the next new page is so that I can open it up first thing in the morning or right before bed and just start writing right away.

You can set reminders on your phone that go off at odd hours, reminding you to take a dance break or to take 3 breaths.

You can have accountability buddies or dates with your creative self.

You can use Google Calendar like a champ.

Remember, when you reach the point of feeling like you’ve been neglecting your creative self, it’s never too late to return to your practices. Stop thinking about lost time and just start now.

Does this spark any ideas for YOU?

Any other brain tricks or creative practices you can suggest?

Leave a comment below and tell me!

And if you need an extra boost, send me an email at: jess@jessgrippo.com. I’d love to set up a time to talk and see how I could support you and your fine creative self in the new year.

with love in the doing and not-doing,


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up next:

you-can-dance-againThis new 4-week series starts January 9th!

Dancers of all levels and experience are welcomed.

Get the details and sign up here

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Just when I thought it was time to retire this online program, it’s been called back into existence by popular demand. This 6-week program takes you through a personal creative process of making space and time for your creativity, getting past the blocks to sharing your work, and connecting with a supportive community.

Until the end of the year, you can save 50% on the online program, and a big discount off the private coaching package.

AND you can feel doubly good because I'll be donating a portion of proceeds to a dance charity again this holiday season: DanceAbility, which makes dance accessible to people with disabilities.

Click here for details: sign up or gift it to someone!