You Can Dance Again: Pop-Up Class (Morristown NJ)
7:30 PM19:30

You Can Dance Again: Pop-Up Class (Morristown NJ)


a beginner-intermediate level contemporary choreography class

I will be guest teaching at Barre3 in Morristown NJ on Friday Nov 15th at 7:30-9pm. Join us and take part in an uplifting contemporary dance class that combines a jazz/ballet inspired warm up, a touch of guided freestyle movement, and a killer combination. It will be intermediate level and all are welcomed! 


sample choreo:

who’s teaching?

A bit about Jess…

Jess Grippo is a dancer, performer, writer, creativity coach, and the author of Dance With This Book. After leaving her ballet career and being distanced from the dance world for years, she started making dance videos alone in her room. These DIY expressions would become the catalyst for reviving her creative expression and later transitioning her career back into dance - but this time, in her own way.

Since then, she's been invited to speak and perform at TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center's Dance On Camera Festival, New York's Got Talent!, the New York Comedy Club, and more. Her programs and videos have been helping people for years to reclaim dance, feel at home in their bodies, and revive their creative expression.

Grab your spot now - because you know you won’t actually do it tomorrow.


“I haven’t taken dance class in a LONG time.  I had no idea how much stuff from the past was in the way.  Dancing with Jess is so much more than just dancing. She walks the path of what she teaches. She lives her creativity and gives all of us permission to do the same.”

-  Emily Whyte, Actor, Alexander Teacher, M.AmSat

the post-workshop glow from last month's session!

the post-workshop glow from last month's session!

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6:00 PM18:00

"Save the OA" Flashmob

At this point we've all heard that our beloved OA has not been renewed for Season 3 by Netflix.

Let's gather together to show our support for the show, using The 5 Movements, and make a statement to save The OA!

The idea will be to gather in front of the Netflix offices in NYC and perform The Movements on the street, to hopefully get the attention of Netflix.

In light of recent tragic events in our country, let's also perform The Movements in the direction of El Paso, Dayton, and Mississippi before we disperse from the site.

When: Monday, August 26th at 5pm + 6pm
Where: Netflix NYC Headquarters AND Times Square in front of the Save The OA billboard
How: Details on meeting location and the 2 sites will be emailed to you once you register!
Who: Anyone who was moved by The OA and believes Season 3 should happen, People wanting to move/dance and emote passionately for the greater good and healing of our planet

When: Sunday, August 25th 4pm-6pm
Where: Gibney, 280 Broadway NY NY (entrance at 53A Chambers St)
Who: Everyone who plans to participate in the flashmob should attend! Please show up with a basic understanding of The Movements, from the tutorial videos provided. We will refine and practice them together. If you cannot make the rehearsal you can still attend the flashmob, just be sure to practice The Movements on your own!
(Please note: a $2 or $3 donation is requested to help pay for the rehearsal space)

If you’d like to join, sign up here.

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comedy seance (a spiritual comedy variety show)
6:00 PM18:00

comedy seance (a spiritual comedy variety show)

Comedy Seance is a spiritual comedy variety show with healers/comedians Alyson Charles, Kate Wolff, and me!

It’s a unique and hilarious show with stand up comedy, musical acts, dancing, spiritual ceremonies, and more. We’ll take you on an adventure where you feel uplifted and can't stop laughing, all the while going deep into your truest soul's vibration. Cause it's cool to be yourself!

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2:30 PM14:30

Garden Variety Live

Join me for a summer garden show! I’ll be performing a new piece and would love to see you here:

InspiredWordNYC's presents Garden Variety Live: Music & Poetry Spectacular @ the Elizabeth Street Garden - the most gorgeous, spacious public garden in downtown Manhattan.

Featuring some of NYC's best grassroots musicians, poets, spoken word artists.

FREE & Open to the Public. All ages welcome.

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the dance rebels' revival show.
7:00 PM19:00

the dance rebels' revival show.


being a “dance rebel” means being part of a revolution in which humans are choosing to put dance, art, and their body back in their lives, in their own unique way, in a world that can so often try to keep us disconnected.

this show is about reviving that mission within all of us through creating a platform for (re)emerging dancers to take the stage.

This show is also meant to reawaken some spark that might be dimming out within YOU. To let you in on the process (rather than just showing the final product) so that you can remember that you, too, are more than what’s on the surface. You are here to create a better world by letting out more of your true self and expression.

this show is a statement that we will not be passive bystanders - we will create; we will move people, places, and things; we will dance.


get inspired.

renew your creativity.
get back in your body.
be a dance rebel with us.

be part of the revolution.

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Dance Into Your Answers: Boulder (Half-Day Workshop)
2:30 PM14:30

Dance Into Your Answers: Boulder (Half-Day Workshop)


a workshop to move you through life transitions and questions


Don’t you wish sometimes that someone could just make decisions for you?

I do.

But since that’s not going to happen, I’m grateful to have acquired a tool that helps me navigate life:

DANCE. And I’m talking about dancing in a creative, self-expressive, intentional, and authentically-you way, which has the power to bring real change and clarity to our lives.

After all:

“Dance is a language of physical exercise that sparks new brain cells (neurogenesis) and their connections. These connections are responsible for acquiring knowledge and thinking.”

  • Judith Lynne Hanna, PhD, author of Dancing to Learn: The Brain’s Cognition, Emotion, and Movement

Here’s what we’re going to do in this workshop:

  1. I’ll guide you through a warm up and guided freestyle movement to get your body activated and your mind present

  2. We’ll move through a dance-based therapeutic tool to help you find clarity on a particular struggle or challenge, which you can keep on file to use anytime you need to access the truth inside of you

  3. We’ll have time for discussion and shares, and I’ll share my 5 go-to practices (a.k.a. healthy coping mechanisms) for moving through a phase of transition or the unknown in your life and actually finding answers.

  4. You’ll be guided in shaping your “danswers” into creating a short expressive dance piece that you can share with the group - or keep for yourself. Because dance is a mirror of life, so we might as well create something with it.


Who’s leading this and why should I trust her?

Oh, hi! I’m Jess. Almost forgot to introduce myself. Though I was once a shy, obedient ballerina who followed dance steps like a technical machine, I now dance freely in public and performative contexts. From holding up a “DANCE WITH ME” sign in a busy airport lobby, to being stuck on stage with no music in front of an audience of 200 people, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it means to trust yourself through dance. And the more I do it, the more authentic, fulfilling, and exciting my life, career and relationships have gotten.

What if all the other people who come are weird? What if I don’t fit in?

Chances are if you’ve gotten this far on the page, there’s something in what I’m sharing that resonates with you, which means we’ll get along. Which means that other people reading this and resonating will also get along. Which means we’re all the same style of weirdo. Know what I mean?

But I’m not a dancer - is that ok?

Yes, that’s totally ok! I personally will argue that everyone is a dancer, but we don’t have to get into that here. All you need is a desire and willingness to dance and move your body. You don’t need “training” or previous dance experience. There won’t be any fancy flip moves to learn, and I certainly won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with. (That would be weird.)

But I am a dancer - is that ok?

Oh yes! Dancer-dancers welcomed, too. You might be worried this will be beneath your technical capabilities, and it probably will be. But this workshop isn’t about technique. There are plenty of other places you can go to get a good contemporary-jazz class in. This workshop is about helping you undo whatever you’ve learned that’s stopping you from fully trusting yourself and your truth - both on the dancefloor and in life.

I’m scared of dancing in public. Do I have to do share my dance with the group?

Sharing is totally optional. Of course you’re encouraged to partake, but again, I won’t make you do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Arrive with the intention to just be present and make a choice that feels good to you, and you might be surprised by how you feel at the end.

Grab your spot now - because you know you won’t actually do it tomorrow. Now is the time.


feedback from past students:

"I took my first ever dance course with Jess! It was called “Dance Into Your Answers”, and it was life-changing on many levels. First, I realized that I CAN dance, despite holding limiting beliefs my whole life that dancers were tiny and petite. I also loved the format of the class—improv was combined with journaling and movement. I left with an answer that I had been wondering about for a long time—whether or not to scrap my second book and forget the whole project, or whether to revamp the idea and move forward. I am now reworking that book--and my experiences from this class will be featured in chapter one! I am grateful for the creativity work Jess continues to do with her clients, and I’m looking forward to dancing again.”

~ M. Shannon Hernandez, NYC, Founder of the The Writing Whisperer

"I love the intuitive way in which Jess led us. She created a space in which I was able to connect to my heart and to an inner truth that I hadn't yet realized until that point in the workshop. Ever since, things have been concretizing in big ways and my creative life is blossoming. Jess, you're a somatic genius!"

-Melissa Guttman, Voice Coach, NYC

“I haven’t taken dance class in a LONG time.  I had no idea how much stuff from the past was in the way.  Dancing with Jess is so much more than just dancing. She walks the path of what she teaches. She lives her creativity and gives all of us permission to do the same.”

-  Emily Whyte, Actor, Alexander Teacher, M.AmSat

the post-workshop glow from last month's session!

the post-workshop glow from last month's session!

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"Hungry Ovaries" at the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research
6:30 PM18:30

"Hungry Ovaries" at the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research

I’m honored to have been invited to the conference for the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, to perform my piece, “Hungry Ovaries.” To say that this is a full circle moment is an understatement. 12 years ago, after healing my  PCOS (thanks to Alisa Vitti) I got my certification as a holistic health coach and joined the @floliving team where I’d work with women in healing their hormonal issues/periods naturally. As I’ve moved more into my creative expression, so has my career, but this knowledge, love, and advocacy of women’s bodies has not left me.

Somewhat randomly (but not), earlier this year I created a dance-comedy piece about the changing phases of the menstrual cycle, and how my mood (and dating life) shifts dramatically throughout the month because of it. At every comedy club or open mic I’ve shared it, there have been a few people in the audience who ask me to perform it at their school/college/etc… Who would’ve thought that I’d also end up presenting it at an academic conference?

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1:00 PM13:00

dance in may finale event

dance in may finale event.png

let's do the kind of dancing you do alone in your room, together. 

Whether or not you were part of Dance-a-Day in the Month of May with us, it's time to close out the month with a bang.

Especially if you've ever felt intimidated by a dance class, this is the space for you.

Join us for a fun and empowering dance experience (for all levels) held online - so you can participate from anywhere, even your bedroom.

During this live, online, interactive group session you will:

  • Meet your fellow dance-a-dayers face to face on video chat and share inspiring stories of how this challenge has affected your life for the better

  • Get your dance on, and open up something new inside of you, with live dance prompts guided by me

  • Intuit and strategize your next dance steps beyond this challenge, including options within the You Can Dance Again community, so that you have concrete ways and support systems in place to keep your dance alive

RSVP below to join us!

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You Can Dance Again: Solo Immersion Retreat
12:00 PM12:00

You Can Dance Again: Solo Immersion Retreat

YCDA Immersion is an experience of deep inner transformation and dance creation, which guides you to take what's in your soul and turn it into a dance.

This path is for you if you desire to be seen in the truth of you are, within the container of a supportive group of women. It’s especially for you if you’re in a period of transition in your life, and you see art-making as a powerful way to learn more about yourself, and to harness your power to invent, re-invent, and transform your world.

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n'audition (the non-audition for dance)
8:15 PM20:15

n'audition (the non-audition for dance)

Calling all dancers and dancers-at-heart who have been thinking about getting back into dance, but keep finding excuses not to!

This "n'audition" is for you if you've left your dancing dreams behind you, but recognize that as you did that, you also left a part of your soul behind you. And these days, you're dragging through your day to day, craving a release, missing the way the dance studio can hold all of your angst, the way dancing can free you up to be better able to deal with life. Maybe you're also secretly missing the stage, and the process of collaborating with a group of creative people on a dance you can share with others.

You are the ones we're looking for. No matter how out of shape you feel, no matter how long it's been since you dance-danced, no matter how bogged down with other obligations you are.... You are welcomed here. More than welcomed, you're encouraged.

Read more and join us:

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n'audition (the non-audition for dance)
6:30 PM18:30

n'audition (the non-audition for dance)

  • 890 Broadway New York, NY, 10003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calling all dancers and dancers-at-heart who have been thinking about getting back into dance, but keep finding excuses not to!

This "n'audition" is for you if you've left your dancing dreams behind you, but recognize that as you did that, you also left a part of your soul behind you. And these days, you're dragging through your day to day, craving a release, missing the way the dance studio can hold all of your angst, the way dancing can free you up to be better able to deal with life. Maybe you're also secretly missing the stage, and the process of collaborating with a group of creative people on a dance you can share with others.

You are the ones we're looking for. No matter how out of shape you feel, no matter how long it's been since you dance-danced, no matter how bogged down with other obligations you are.... You are welcomed here. More than welcomed, you're encouraged.

Read more and join us:

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comedy seance (a spiritual comedy variety show)
6:00 PM18:00

comedy seance (a spiritual comedy variety show)

Comedy Seance is a spiritual comedy variety show with healers/comedians Alyson Charles, Kate Wolff, and me!

It’s a unique and hilarious show with stand up comedy, musical acts, dancing, spiritual ceremonies, and more. We’ll take you on an adventure where you feel uplifted and can't stop laughing, all the while going deep into your truest soul's vibration. Cause it's cool to be yourself!

Also featuring: Aminah Imani, Katie Haller, Eytan Millstone, Jay Le'Cuyer

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Artists in Flight Performance Showcase
4:00 PM16:00

Artists in Flight Performance Showcase

I’m so excited to be performing alongside some amazing emerging choreographers at the 4th Artists In Flight Performance Showcase! I’m performing a solo and the You Can Dance Again crew will perform a group dance.

The works at this showcase cover a multitude of genres and celebrate the diversity of dance, and you have two chances to join us that day: from 4-6pm or from 7-9pm.

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The Vagina Monologues
6:30 PM18:30

The Vagina Monologues

For two nights in a row, I’ll be the opening act for the 4thU Artivist's 10th Anniversary Spring 2019 production of The Vagina Monologues, which will benefit organizations working to end violence against women.

Doors open at 6:30pm for a Pre-Show Party with food, wine, cocktails, and a silent auction, and you can come either March 14 or 15.

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The Vagina Monologues
6:30 PM18:30

The Vagina Monologues

For two nights in a row, I’ll be the opening act for the 4thU Artivist's 10th Anniversary Spring 2019 production of The Vagina Monologues, which will benefit organizations working to end violence against women.

Doors open at 6:30pm for a Pre-Show Party with food, wine, cocktails, and a silent auction, and you can come either March 14 or 15.

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SMUSH Moves, Vol. 5
8:00 PM20:00

SMUSH Moves, Vol. 5

I’m excited to be performing alongside some amazing artists at the SMUSH Gallery in Jersey City.

My dance piece Swan Canal is a story of self-discovery and empowerment told through the lens of a comedic re-make of the dying swan dance from Swan Lake. Come laugh with us and make difference!

Get your tickets here:

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solo show at inspired word nyc
8:45 PM20:45

solo show at inspired word nyc

I'll be sharing some new dances and stories, mostly about my dating life and what it's like to be in a 35-year-old female body. As usual, you'll have the chance to get YOUR story dance-interpreted by me :)

Come out and be entertained while also experiencing the satisfaction (and healing!) that can come from funny dances about that guy who dumped you.
($10 cover + 1 drink minimum, but the drinks are super cheap and $2 non-alcoholic options available)

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the art of the D.I.Y. dance video (online class)
to Dec 6

the art of the D.I.Y. dance video (online class)

In this online training series, I'm revealing all the secrets on how I create my D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) dance videos that make an impact.

Learn the technical basics of shooting and editing your own videos - no experience necessary! - and get inspired with artistic direction and guidance for turning your basic video into a work of art that you’re proud of. All so that you can post videos, share yourself with confidence and charisma, and reach more people authentically.

learn more here:

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solo show at inspired word nyc
8:30 PM20:30

solo show at inspired word nyc

This recovered ballerina is excited to do more weird stuff on stage! Come out and join me for a fun/funny night of dance-comedy. I have a 30-minute featured spot at Inspired Word, and your presence there would mean the world to me. 

I'm working on a couple of new pieces, plus doing some of my signature ones. Ryan Gosling['s photo] will be making a reappearance. So will a tutu. So will cheese. So will your latest breakup text. (For reals - if you're going through something rough, I take prompts from the audience and dedicate an interpretive dance to your cause.)

See you there?!?
($10 cover + 1 drink minimum, but the drinks are super cheap and $2 non-alcoholic options available)

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hersterical: a feminist comedy revue
to Nov 10

hersterical: a feminist comedy revue

  • 160 Central Park West New York, NY, 10023 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m excited to be performing alongside some amazing comics at this show and fundraiser, raising money to end violence against women.

My dance piece Swan Canal is a story of self-discovery and empowerment told through the lens of a comedic re-make of the dying swan dance from Swan Lake. Come laugh with us and make difference!

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you can dance again: the free-yourself improv series
to Nov 12

you can dance again: the free-yourself improv series


Develop your freestyle/improv skills, plus confidence in your own movement and expression. Over the course of 10 weeks, you’ll be led through an organic process to connect to your true “dance voice” and then work solo or with a partner/trio (of your choosing) to create a shareable dance piece by the end of the program. Our last session on Dec 17 will be an informal studio showing with a holiday party to follow. 

who it’s for:

Dancers and (re)emerging dancers of all levels are welcomed, as it will be about developing your personal dance process. If you choose to partner or work in a small group, you’ll be able to match with dancers who share your level of experience.

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Be a Dance Rebel! NYC Event
to Sep 24

Be a Dance Rebel! NYC Event

whether you've been…

  • stuck in your head way too much,

  • stuck in a soul-sucking grind of work and obligations that leaves no room for you,

  • or coming out of a breakup or breakdown and missing the way your soul can be set free through dance,

one thing's for sure:

dance is in you. 

The problem is, it doesn't always come out of you ;)

take advantage of this in-person opportunity to reignite your dance spark, connect with fellow dance rebels, and move and sweat and free yourself in a way that only dance can do.

As of now, this is the last drop-in event of the year. After this, we’ll be going forward with online and in-person programs, that start at a 6-week commitment.

what to expect:

After a brief introduction and welcome, we will start off with a structured warm-up based in jazz/ballet/modern dance, and then evolve into guided free movement, and finally some collaborative choreography. It's for those who want to reclaim the freedom to dance in your own way, in your body exactly as it is right now, as a gateway to your creativity and self-expression. 

click here to join us!

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Solo Immersion Retreat
12:00 PM12:00

Solo Immersion Retreat

YCDA Immersion is an experience of deep inner transformation and dance creation, which guides you to take what's in your soul and turn it into a dance.

This path is for you if you desire to be seen in the truth of you are, within the container of a supportive group of women. It’s especially for you if you’re in a period of transition in your life, and you see art-making as a powerful way to learn more about yourself, and to harness your power to invent, re-invent, and transform your world.

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Be a Dance Rebel (summer class series)
to Jul 30

Be a Dance Rebel (summer class series)

break the mold, own YOUR unique expression,

create a revolution with your body

This dance empowerment class - for all levels - will start off with a structured warm-up based in jazz/ballet/modern dance, and then evolve into guided free movement and collaborative choreography. It's for those who want to reclaim the freedom to dance in your own way, in your body exactly as it is right now, as a gateway to your creativity and self-expression.

Click here for more info and to sign up!

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the dance rebels' revival show.
7:00 PM19:00

the dance rebels' revival show.

  • 152 Sterling Place Brooklyn, NY, 11217 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

get inspired.

renew your creativity. get back in your body. be a dance rebel with us.

The Dance Rebels' Revival Show is a platform for (re)emerging dancers to take the stage and create an experience that's empowering and inspiring for themselves, each other, and the audience who attends.

In a city where dance performance is mostly reserved for "the professionals," You Can Dance Again recognizes that dancers walk these streets in all kinds of professions, shapes, and forms - and all should get a chance to dance their dance. Because dance is what moves us, frees us, and brings us home. 

2 nights! Friday and Saturday 6/29 + 6/30 at 7pm, Brooklyn NY

More info + tickets here!

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Be a Dance Rebel (free class)
7:00 PM19:00

Be a Dance Rebel (free class)

break the mold, own YOUR unique expression,

create a revolution with your body

This dance empowerment class - for all levels - will start off with a structured warm-up based in jazz/ballet/modern dance, and then evolve into guided free movement and collaborative choreography. It's for those who want to reclaim the freedom to dance in your own way, in your body exactly as it is right now, as a gateway to your creativity and self-expression.

Click here for more info and to sign up!

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1:15 PM13:15

ballet for dance rebels


a 4-week choreography and performance series

Always had a dream to be a ballerina but locked it away somewhere long ago? 

Now's your chance to reclaim your inner dancer, learn an empowering ballet routine (to a mix of classical and pop music), and perform in front of a live, supportive audience as part of a 2-night show, The Dance Rebels’ Revival Show.

Classes: Saturdays, June 2-23, 1:15pm- 2:30pm at Studio Maya, 603 Bergen St, Brooklyn

Performances: Friday + Saturday June 29 + 30 at the Marlene Clary Performance Space: 152 Sterling Place, Brooklyn NY.

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let's dance alone, together
6:30 PM18:30

let's dance alone, together

  • 890 Broadway New York, NY, 10003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Copy of YCDA class photo.png

let's do the kind of dancing you do alone in your room, together. 

Whether or not you were part of Dance-a-Day in the Month of May with us, it's time to close out the month with a bang.

Especially if you've ever felt intimidated by a dance class, this is the space for you. 

Come to a fun and empowering dance class (for all levels). 

Attendance is free for all who participated in Dance-a-Day in the Month of May this year, as well as for anyone who gets a $20 ticket to our showcase, which also includes free access to my new at-home dancing-reviving program, Dance Alone, Together. 

You know what, it's still free even if you don't do those things. 

Just show up. 

RSVP here:

We collect, use, and process your data according to our Privacy Policy.

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